Deterministic Weapons

So I felt the weapon system wasn't quite up to scratch and I wanted some weapons to have more of an area effect rather than them all be point-to-point shooters.

So I've adapted the system to be deterministic from the cards, so technically you could determine all the stats just by looking at the cards. I say technically as there are quite a lot of rules to understand in order to determine everything.

So I put together a handy weapon sheet so that you can quick calculate everything.  Wepaons now have 6 stats, up from 5 as I added "RADIUS" which is the radius around the target that needs to perform a SAVE test for the HITS.

In any case these are the rules:

  • ATTACKS: Number of D6 you roll when performing a SHOOT action.
    •  = Number of cards with a MATCHING SUIT. 
  • DAMAGE: The amount of damage to apply to the target for each FAILED SAVE. 
    • = 1 + number of SPADES. 
  • RANGE: The maximum distanst a target can be to shoot at it with this weapon. 
    • = 2" + 2" for every DIFFERENT SUIT. 
  • HIT: The minimum value on the ATTACK D6s needed to HIT.
    •  = 5 - number of CLUBS. 
  • RADIUS: The radium around the target affected by the attack.  HITS applied to the target, also apply to ALL in radius range.
    •  = Number of DIAMONDS. 
  • RELIABILITY: The minim value on the RELIABILITY D6 needed or the weapon breaks.
    •  = 5 - number of HEARTS.

So say for example we had a weapon with 7 CLUBS in the ATTACKS slot, the JACK of HEARTS in the HIT slot and the 3 DIAMONDS in the RANGE slot we create a BLUNT PUMMELLING DEVASTATOR with the following basic stats:

  • ATTACKS: all cards are different so the result is 1 + 0 = 1. 
  • DAMAGE: there are no SPADES so the result is 1 + 0 = 1. 
  • RANGE: we have 3 DIFFERENT SUITS so the result is 2" + (2 x 3)" = 8”. 
  • HIT: there is 1 CLUB, so the result should be 5 - 1 = 4+. 
  • RADIUS: there is 1 DIAMOND, so the result is 1”. 
  • RELIABILITY: there is 1 HEART, so the result is 5 - 1 = 4+. 

The 7 CLUBS overrides the 1 ATTACK to 7 ATTACKs,

The 3 DIAMONDS overrides the 8" RANGE to 3" RANGE.

The JACK of HEARTS does not override (it's a FACE card) but instead applied the "BLADED" keyword to the weapon "Perform 1 attack on each unit within 2" when SHOOTING."


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